Vercel 账号被禁怎么办?
Your Personal Account was automatically blocked because its usage exceeds the fair use policy
最近某个 vercel app 流量超标了! 程序可能被攻击了,或者程序存在某个bug。发现的时候,账号已经被禁用了。
怎么解封了? 在这里 点击 【Create a case】,然后邮件联系解封!邮件回复说:
accounts will not auto-unblock after they've been blocked for exceeded limits. I can do that manually, but I must first be sure that the underlying issue has been resolved.
删除了被攻击或者出bug的 vercel app 之后再次回复邮件,得到回复:
After review, I have unblocked your account. Please note that this is a one-time consideration, and future usage overages may require purchasing a Pro team subscription to unblock your account.
账号终于解禁了,但是再次超出限制就得交钱解禁? 20$每月的价格太高了!